My life experience: When I was 6 years old, I landed in America with my mom. We moved into a one-bedroom apartment, ironically with one coffee table and no bed. So we slept on the floor. Years later, I still sleep on the floor from time to time despite our house having three beds. I went to our local public school, where I met kids of drastically different backgrounds. In Kindergarten, a girl from the Marshall Islands who was here without her parents because they could only afford one plane ticket. In first grade, a Hispanic boy whose dad cut grass for a living taught me how to count to ten, a skill that still helps me in Spanish class. In third grade, a boy from war-torn Afghanistan who had a 20-year-old mom, was really good at math and dreamed of becoming the next Messi. Within our different lives, we had something in common: we were all immigrants in a new country.
Yes, I really pulled the "life story" move just now. But it is a big part of me. Even though I had it hard I still had a great childhood.
As you'll read about in resource, I like public speaking. I've done it since 4th grade, when I learned about the Higgs-Boson and made a video about it. I always found it easy to "vibe" with the audience which is hard for many. I also don't get as nervous. I actually gave my middle school graduation speech! (At Open Window.) This is something I'm relatively good at, so perhaps this is my "genius".
During my road trip to Yellowstone, pictured below, I listened to A Promised Land, which inspired me to run for office. A very small office, anyways. Learn more in "gallery"!